Notes for Guides at Flower Teahouse

  • Guides accompanying guests for shared tea ceremony can wait in the waiting room at Flower Teahouse.

  • If guides are acting as translators for private tea ceremony guests then they will join the entire experience.

  • For guides that are not translating for private tea ceremony guests, due to limited space we ask that they wait in the waiting room.

  • Our team will prepare tea and refreshments for guides while they wait.

  • ガイドさんは、グループ茶道体験にはご参加いただけません。

  • プライベート茶道体験をご予約されたお客様が、英語以外の言語への通訳を希望される場合は無料にて同席いただけます。

  • 通訳されない場合は、待合室でお待ちくださいませ。お抹茶とお菓子をご提供いたします。

Notes for Guides at Garden Teahouse

  • Guides accompanying guests, whether or not translating for the guests, are free to join the tea ceremony free of charge.

  • If the guests would prefer to have privacy, or if the guides would prefer not to join guests then we can provide refreshments in the sofa room while they wait.

  • お客様が同席を希望される場合、ガイドさんは無料にて茶道体験にご参加いただけます。

  • 別室待機を希望される場合は、待合室にてお抹茶とお菓子をご提供いたします